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Strengthening Exercises for Pregnant Women with Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy can be pretty rotten. I experienced it for a while on my 2nd baby, but worked my way through it with some strengthening and stabilizing movements like these. 


Try to practice daily for best results. Take a look at the 7 - Week Online Prenatal Program for lots more detail to help you through your pregnancy and delivery. 

Please share & like if you find them useful!

Big love 

xx Helen xx


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How keeping fit during pregnancy is powerful for Mama!

I know you might be feeling exhausted and exercise is the last thing you feel like doing. However, exercising during pregnancy will actually give you more energy and that's only the start of the benefits!

  • Combat tiredness - as we mentioned, exercising will give you more energy and will increase the circulation in your body, and also reduces swelling
  • Exercise helps with the dreaded constipation also, by decreasing the time it takes food to move through the large intestine. 
  • By exercising you are strengthening many of the muscles around your back, therefore preventing back pain which is something most pregnant women suffer from.
  • Studies also suggest that exercise helps your sleep patterns by improving the quality of your sleep. 
  • All exercise boosts your mood and allows those lovely endorphins to flow!
  • It will prepare you for childbirth, giving you greater endurance. Some studies show that a fitter mother is more likely to have a shorter labour.
  • If you'd...
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